- Before heading to the diamond inspect your equipment to ensure nothing is damaged. If you find any issues contact the opposing team’s Captain and request that they bring the required items.
- Place the end of your tape measure on the back tip of home plate and measure 60 feet straight up the first base line and mark the spot.
- From your first base marking measure 60 feet towards the approximate area that second base should be located. Draw a line in the dirt at this spot.
- Place the end of your tape measure on the back tip of home plate and measure 60 feet straight up the third base line and mark the spot.
- Draw a commitment line from the third base line to the dugout (perpendicular to the base line) thirty (30) feet out from third base.
- Draw a line from the front corner of home plate to the back stop that runs parallel to the commitment line. Base runners are to cross this line when running home as opposed to stepping on home plate.
- From your third base marking measure 60 feet towards the approximate area that second base should be located. Draw a line in the dirt at this spot. This line should intersect with the line you previously drew from first base. The intersection of the two lines is where second base should be located.
- Put 2 pegs in each of your bases in the locations previously marked ensuring that the pegs are properly attached to the base. The orange half of first base should be to the right (foul territory) of the first base line and the white side of the bag should be on the left side (fair territory) of the base line.
- Place the end of your tape measure on the back tip of home plate and pull the tape out all the way to second base (this will help you align the pitching mound). Peg the pitching rubber down at the 45 foot marking. Please note that the pitching rubber MUST be used.