2024 AGM Minutes

Oct 4, 2024

Thank you to all who attended the 2024 AGM- we had 10 people in attendance.

Review of Finances

The league’s financial state was reviewed.

  • The food truck at the tournament cost the league $1300 (because their minimum sales requirements were not met)
  • Seventeen people did not attend the banquet after accepting a ticket, meaning the league paid approximately $1054 (17 meals x $62 per meal) for uneaten meals.
  • Having an odd number of teams resulted in some extra costs and it was recommended that everything possible should be done to ensure there is an even number of teams for 2025.

2025 Executive

President: Jay Dalby- Team 5 – Total Chaos

Vice President: Dale Dinino- Team 8 – System Lifeline

Treasurer: Carol Chaput-Team 7 – Waste Warriors

Secretary: Peggy Callaghan- Team 1 – Misfits

Rules Change Suggestions Voted On


Sonya Shorter



Current Rule:

Pinch running

1 9

New Rule:

Should be the last person out of the same gender


Taylor Stevenson



Current Rule:

Pinch Runners

0 10

New Rule:

I think sending in a runner for someone should only be allowed if the batter actually hurts themselves. I don’t think subbing should be allowed simply to have a faster person on the base.


Dale Dinino



Current Rule:

Banquet ticket

0 10

New Rule:

Could we have a registration option that doesn’t include the banquet?


Ashley Petrocco



Current Rule:

Female-male batting order for the tournament

0 10

New Rule:

Have two guys and one girl batting order for the tournament



Jeff Woodason



Current Rule:

New Rule:

Outfielder should be at least 15 feet behind the rover.

There was plenty of discussion about how to phrase this rule, and it was decided to bypass it to vote on the other rules with the intent to return later. However, after voting on the other rule suggestions, we neglected to return and finish the discussion and vote on this rule suggestion.

Other discussions:

  • There was discussion about the rules surrounding the double base. After reviewing the rules regarding the double base, it was decided to include them in the League’s Rules.
  • Finding a different venue for the banquet will be researched.
  • Finding alternatives to booking a food truck for the tournament will be researched.
  • It was decided to increase the registration fee to $160 for 2025 to account for increasing rental and banquet costs.

Thank you all again for an amazing season and we can’t wait to see everyone again in 2025!



By admin